Biography of Tony Fernandes


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Name          : Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes
Age             :  51 years old
Residence   : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Education  : Bachelor of Arts/ Science, Epson College; London School of Economic
Position      : CEO of AirAsia Sdn.Bhd and founder of Tune Hotel

  • “Visionaries and Leadership Series”  awarded by International Herald Tribune
  • “Malaysia CEO of the Year 2003”  award by American Express and Business Times
  • “Entrepreneur of the Year" in the Ernst & Young "Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards" 
  • “Excellence In Leadership” Asia Pacific Leadership Awards 2009" 

Tony Fernandas purchasing AirAsia that incurred large debt in year 2001. In year 2003, he lobbying our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to propose the idea of open sky agreement with the neighbouring country such as Thailand, Indonesia and Singapora to take advantage. and succesful gain landing right to AirAsia and other discounted carriers. In year 2007, Fernandes involve his business in other industry by establish no-frills concept hotel chain, Tune Hotel.  He also expand his venture by involve in reality tv series in 2013 which is “The Apprentice Asia” in year 2013.In year 2004, AirAsia joint venture with Shin Corporation.Tony Fernandes achieve no. 52, in Fast Company Top 100 Most Creative People in Business.

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